So there I was- Carpe Diem.
I'm pretty sure I spend more time there than my apartment. There's just something about it. It's warm, inviting, and I love the atmosphere. I can't really describe it, but it's just wonderful, believe me.
I got my cup of Guatemalan coffee, filled it with brown sugar and milk, which is super healthy by the way. I then took my seat to study for my communication theory test in the a.m. You all have been to coffee shops. You can't help but overhear what others are talking about and no, that's not eavesdropping. I call it hearing with a purpose. Copyright that. I overheard a young girl talking about her dreams and plans as she takes that next step in life, known as college. I was in her same shoes, almost three years ago. Three years ago. Is this real life? I couldn't possibly have been in college that long. This aspiring person spoke of the same plan I had- optometry. Oh, but let me tell you, the poor thing confused optometry and ophthalmology. Being the nerd that I am, I instantly wanted to correct her. I restrained myself from that though. After hearing her talk about this, I got to wondering. Did I truly make the right choice by not going into optometry? I loved it, so much, and I still do and I just knew that was my destined path after shadowing an optometrist for months my senior year of high school.
It's probably not healthy, but at random times, I ask myself- what if? What if I hadn't of listened to God and kept going on that path? Where would I be right now? When I ask myself these questions, I feel slightly uneasy, but then instantly I remember. I find comfort in knowing that I surrendered to God and His plan for my life, ceasing to follow MY plan. Journalism, though? Really? Print journalism at that... You have to be kidding. I challenge you to jump in a time machine and go back and ask me when I was a measly high school kid, if I'd ever write for the rest of my life. The answer there would be be the obvious one. This is where I can see myself and how much I've changed. Then, I would have said no for the obvious reason. There isn't any money in journalism. How am I going to get all the things I want? Then, I cared. Right now, I could care less. I am in journalism, because I love it and it's where God has put me. Don't get me wrong, I sometimes think about the money issue, but I don't stress about it. God WILL provide. I know that.
People ask me what I plan on doing after I graduate, which is only a year and a half away. Can you believe that? That's scary and exciting at the same time. I always have the same response to them- I have no idea. Should I know though? The past couple of years, I've learned to plan less in my life and just let God have full control. Isn't it a beautiful thing to know which doors will open and close for you? I'm not saying it's easy, believe me. And if anyone has a harder time trusting God, it's me, but I have a peace about where I'm at and I know God will provide what I need, just like He always does. And in those times where I am anxious about the future, He constantly reassures me of His promises. And I am extremely thankful for those reminders. One of my favorite people revolves around Deuteronomy 31:8, "It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed." Those words are powerful. The Lord goes before you, in everything you will face. He will never leave you. You will never be alone. Why should we ever be afraid? The stress and worries melt away each time I read that verse.