Wednesday, January 26, 2011

you are always good when is the last time I blogged? Over a month ago. Sad, I know. Don't judge me. You don't know the busy life of Taylor Hamm. After I typed that I realized that I've been on break for the past month, therefore I really wasn't busy at all. Oh well, I was just too lazy to blog then. The truth comes out... But since we're being honest, I've really become attached to my journals the past few months, more than I've usually been, and that's probably the main reason for me being lame and not writing blogs as much I used to! So, with great sadness, I will gladly say boo on myself. Shame shame shame. Anywho, now onto my life, because I hope that is what you magnificent followers have come here to read about. Yeah, I'm awesome. Don't remind me all the time. Sheesh.

Christmas break-
I have three words to perfectly describe it.
1. relaxing
2. rejuvenating
3. interesting/flippin awesome

I feel no shame, due to the fact that two out of those three mainly refer to sleep/rest. Why? Because that is what I did a big part of the time I spent at home. The last three or four weeks, heck, the last couple of months of fall semester were so exhausting. Between marching band, lack of sleep, and studying like crazy to make it through rock class, I was ready to sleep for a week straight after finals. Being at home for a little over three weeks was great. Good times with family and old friends. By the way, it's odd referring to high school friends as old friends now. Just saying. From hanging out at Mama Sue's, getting smoothies with the smoothie club, and having lunch dates with folks to catch up, break was incredible! Those countless hours spent at Koinonia with one of the most amazing people ever weren't too bad either... :)

My favorite part of break? Having some good quality time with God. It had been absolutely forever since I actually just sat down, relaxed, and dug into the Word, without any distractions at all. It was amazing to be able to do that every day for three weeks. By doing this, it really rejuvenated me in different ways. I'm pretty sure that I grew majorly in my relationship with Him during the time at home. I found my self praying more and more, researching every little thing I found interesting in Scripture, and  I was so focused on Him, and because of this, when I returned to Mobile, I remained focused and continued to have that time with Him every day, when the past semester I had been neglecting that.

Ask anyone this, what do I hate? Reading books. I've never liked it. Yeah, I know, strange, considering my mom has bookcases upon bookcases of books that she reads like crazy. Should be in my genes to read alot, right? Not. Anyways, I decided that over the break, I would actually try reading a couple of books, to possibly break my habit of hating to read. My goal of reading two books over the course of three weeks, turned into me reading four books, and two more books within the first couple of weeks of school. Can you believe it? Yeah, me either. Anyone would probably say that the process of shopping for books to read is an easy one. Hello, just pick books that interest you. Duh. I'll buy books, no problem with that. But borrowing them is a pleasant option as well. Did God know which books I was going to read? No doubt. I'm fairly certain that He told me which ones to read/borrow/buy. Why? The books I have read so far have challenged me more than you can imagine. If a book could possibly stick out a hand to slap you and wake you up, then all of the books I have read would have most definitely done that. They have been just what I've needed.

What books did I read? Why thank you for asking!
1. Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis
2. Revolution in World Missions, by KP Yohannan
3. The Power of Persistence: Breakthroughs in Your Prayer Life, by Michael Catt
4. The Vertical Self, by Mark Sayers
5. Forgotten God, by Francis Chan
6. Peppermint Filled Pinatas, by Eric Michael Bryant
and currently reading Jesus Manifesto, by Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola
GOOD STUFF! You must read all of these. Kthanks.

So, now spring semester has commenced. I feel legit taking some communication classes. Yeahhh! I look forward to what opportunities God has for me and everyone else the next few months! Oh and did I mention that I will be going to Haiti in May? Yep. True story.  :)

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