Where is the line when it comes to social media privacy?
We're in the age when mostly everyone we come in contact with is involved in some sort of social media, whether that be Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, or any other network we log into everyday. How does that merge into our careers though? Should our networking be a vital part of our work lives?
It's customary these days that employers may monitor your social networking rituals. Is that ethical? I don't understand it at all. I understand them monitoring networks, to make sure you're not "bashing" your boss, other employees, or the company, but should they really look through every bit and piece of your online life? What you do in your private life should not matter in your work place. Representing your company badly? Well, now, that's all up to who's determining that. We all have different levels of recognizing what's acceptable or unacceptable in society, according to how you were brought up. Should employers have a right to determine that and potentially refuse your employment, or worse, terminate your position due to something they may find online?
We talked about this in my class tonight and I'm NOT okay with this- some employers are now asking prospective employees to hand over their social account passwords, to Facebook and others. Despite the whole fact that this breaches the Facebook privacy terms or whatever, who in their right mind would be okay with this? Handing over your PASSWORD to someone you barely know? I'm trying to figure out what they would do with your networks. It's absurd.
Will this become a regular thing now though? The times we're in, it's only inevitable. Let's just say I'm not a fan. Okay, enough of me on my soap box.
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