Wednesday, March 23, 2011

change, change, change

Change is inevitable. Change is constant.
How many times have we heard this in our lives?

Webster’s dictionary defines change as the act, process, or result of changing---an alteration, transformation, or substitution. Would we be who we are today without change? Absolutely not. Changes in our lives can break us, mold us, and in the end, they let us become, well…us. Good and bad changes. Happy and sad changes. Easy and difficult changes. Heart-warming and heart-breaking changes. No matter the type of changes, they make up our lives more than we know.
The theme of my second year of college has been change. Of course, you could probably also say that moving to college and my whole first year was based around change, duh. But, this whole year so far has been the perfect example of how things are constantly changing, for the good and the bad. As I’m writing this, and in the past few months, I keep thinking about last year and the things I did, the friends I had, the way I felt, just everything, and it can’t even compare to this year. So much, SO MUCH has changed since then. It’s kinda crazy and scary really.
What’s the most obvious change to me? My relationship with my Savior.
It has evolved, matured, and I think I am beginning to truly see my calling in life. It’s amazing to look at all of the things I have accomplished in Him and how He has been using me the past year, through various opportunities and experiences. Even looking back two or three years, it’s absolutely astounding to see myself and Him now.  He continues to bless me, even when I don’t deserve it or appreciate it and I am eager to see what He has in store for me in the future!
I wake up each day, and I rarely see how blessed I really am with the people that are in my life right now. Some of the most wonderful and happiest, yet sometimes painful changes I have experienced this year have been involving relationships in my life. All of my relationships continue and continue to change and when I think about it, it makes me smile, but then other times, makes me upset to think about it. I have new people in my life and then some people have slowly went out of it. This time last year, my closest friends don’t match up with the set of people I consider my closest friends at this very moment. We’ve grown apart, moved on, really found out who each other is, and as a result of that, I don’t have that “closeness” with some people anymore. In some way, I feel like this was meant to happen. The relationships that have resulted from growing apart from other people in my life have caused me to become much more closer with different people and these relationships have been like no others I have ever been in. These friendships are more than what they look like from the outside. There are those connections, where you just know you’ve have got it right. It’s those types of relationships that make your heart smile.
You have that deep trust, a feeling of comfort in telling them absolutely everything. A sense of sadness comes over you when you go more than a day without seeing or talking to them. You experience those times when you laugh and laugh with them, over anything and everything. Sometimes, they may upset or hurt you in small or big ways, but in the end none of it really matters because forgiveness is always there and you love them no matter what. And you finally reach that point with them when being the cheesiest friend ever doesn’t even bother you anymore.
As much as I miss those relationships I have had in the past, I don’t regret anything that has led me into the wonderful relationships that are right here, right now. Now, do I think there will be a time when we will never grow apart in some way? Of course not. Every relationship has its strains and difficulties, causing some distance, but I don’t think they will ever go away forever. I don’t know about the other sides’ thoughts are on this matter, but I’m in this for the long run and I plan on keeping some of the most amazing people I’ve ever came across in my life forever, by doing anything and everything I can.

So, once again I say:
Change is inevitable. Change is constant.


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