Monday, August 6, 2012


Another summer. In the books.

I could sit here and try and sum up the last three months of my life, like I usually do after the completion of another summer. I could also tell you wonderful stories of taking summer classes everyday since the first of June, or about beach trips or other fun times, or express my thoughts on summer events such as the Olympics, the Chick-fil-A drama, or the heatwave that has regularly hit the country. I could.

But to be honest, in the bigger scheme of things, none of these things matter compared to the experience that I have had with my Jesus the last few months. And these are the things that I feel that are worth the time to share. My enlightenment. My thoughts. My revelations. The words that the Lord has laid upon my heart this summer. This is written to myself:

re-vive [ri-vahyv] V- a. to activate, to set in motion, or take up again; renew. b. to restore to life or consciousness.

Most of the time, fixing something takes a lot of hard work, time, and effort. How well someone invests that time and effort will determine the final outcome. You have come to the point where you have realized just how many times you have asked God to just fix you--make yourself perfect for Him and take away all of your desires for anything but Him. During all of this time, you have yet to see what is in front of you. You do not need to be fixed before God. Perfection cannot be found in anyone, but Christ Himself. Quit comparing yourself to others. Christ has made you in His image--with your own strengths and weaknesses. He lives within you and His Spirit dwells within, giving you the confidence to become the person He wants you to be and live out the life He has given you. Looking at others' gifts and talents, wondering why you are not all that you want to be will get you nowhere. Ask Him to show you your gifts and be content in them. 

All He wants is you. Your devotion. Surrendering yourself to Him. You are a beautiful person, despite anything you might believe and your Father has a plan beyond any part of your understanding for your life. All you have to do is trust Him with every breath, every step, and every single part of you. Even when you fail in this life, His love never fails. It never falters. He will never forsake you, no matter the amount of times you will forsake and dishonor Him by the choices you may make. 

Strive only for Him. Do not let the source of your joy reside in the people of this place, even in the closest of all of your relationships. Find your happiness and ultimate contentment in your Heavenly Father and rest upon His promises. You should only depend on Him. No one else. When things get ugly, lift your head. The people here will not always be by your side, but He will never leave you. His Spirit is the only company you need in this earthly life. No other can satisfy and quench your need for companionship like the Spirit. Seeking others' praise and attention above the King's means nothing in this life and there are no rewards for doing so. Only concern yourself with praising God for all that He has done. Look to the Kingdom--not to the people of this place. There is no need to concern yourself with what people think about you. Be secure in the person God made you to be. He carefully designed you for His purpose and glory.

Do not use prayer to solely seek answers from God. Pray constantly, consistently, and boldly to become closer in oneness with Christ. Let your prayers overflow with thankfulness and you will draw closer to the One who has poured out blessings over you. Do not let yourself forget that the Father's timing is impeccable and that you or any other person cannot change it. Remember that He will carry out His plan for you. Know that He will. Trust that He will. Have faith. Your faith will strengthen you; it will diminish your impatience and urgency to see anything unfold. He has you carefully in His arms, looking over you at all times, carefully orchestrating each moment of your life.

Do not reject Him in the times He is disciplining you. His discipline is in direct proportion to His love. Think of how your earthly father disciplines you and sets you on the correct path. Now, think of the Father's infinite amount of love He bestows upon you, along with His discipline.

Religion is empty. Differences in denominations are not something to focus on. Do not just simply live your life just going through the motions. Nothing matters except a relationship with Christ. A deep, intimate relationship where you strive to know Him better on a daily basis. He already knows you better than any other and knows the very number of hairs on your head. Getting to know Him and flourishing in your relationship with Him is the most important thing you can accomplish. Be quick to recognize yourself becoming caught up in the things you think you have to do. Do these things out of an overflowing of the Spirit inside of you, not out of a feeling of obligation. You do not have to earn a spot before the Father. A never-ending surplus of grace covers you. Your ransom has been paid by Jesus Christ, the High Priest and Great Shepherd. You only have to love Him with all of your heart and love others around you like He does. Have the confidence and pray for the boldness to tell others about your Father. He will grant you the courage and equip you along the way. Pray that He opens doors for you to do so and with this, show the world by how you live that Christ lives in you.

When looking back into the past, do not let yourself become trapped in the thoughts and regrets of the things you have let yourself get into. Sin is no longer your master. Move past those times and pray for forgiveness. Ask your Father to forgive you, ask for forgiveness from the people you have hurt along the way, and finally, forgive yourself for the mistakes you have made. Your past will not decide your future. You cannot possibly begin to fathom the future your Heavenly Father has in store for you. The mysteries and things we cannot understand are some of the most beautiful parts of God.

Look for Him in the smallest of things and the biggest--from the excruciating details of how the human body works, to a dandelion growing, to the change of seasons, to the revolution of all life on Earth around the Sun, to a lightening storm that lights up the sky. His creation is utterly beautiful. Praise Him for His artistry in the universe.

Above all else, let nothing or any person come in between of you and Christ. Nothing else matters. Nothing. Complete abandonment of yourself and your worldly desires is IT. He does not want a portion of you. He wants all of you. Stay steady in prayer. Keep your eyes in His powerful Word. Pursue Him constantly. Look to the Kingdom in everything you do. Keep your heart in a gentle state, so that you can hear His voice at all times. Be still in His presence and thrive in Him.


These are the simple messages that God has shared with me this summer, yet their impact has been much greater.

Yes, I made good grades this summer. I moved into a new apartment that I love. I start my last band camp tomorrow and will soon be beginning my senior year of college. These things are great, but nothing else matters besides my King. 

1 comment:

    -Love yo no.1 fan!
