Friday, July 29, 2011

folk folk folk

Alright folks, if I give good advice on anything, I do believe it's music. It's my thing. Take my advice and look up these three bands/artists and listen to some of their stuff. It's good, trust me. Well, it's good according to my musical tastes. But, I'm awesome, so shouldn't all of these people be amazing? And if you already listen to/have listened to them, you rock. Five gold stars. You know I speak the truth. Okay...go.

#1: Mumford & Sons
Well, first off...they are British. That's instantly a good sign. Or it is to me. I'm an avid fan of British bands. They are very bluegrassy and folk rockish. Top 40 radio needs more bands like this playing constantly, to rid the world of all of pop rubbish. Yes, I'm guilty of listening to it, but it's incredibly bad. I mean really, is it necessary to T-Pain up every single song? Artists are missing the point of harnessing their talents and actually using them to their full potential. Ahh. My bad, I got on my soapbox for five seconds. I'm just saying though. Anyways, back to Mumford. Check them out. You've probably heard some songs by them and saw them at the Grammy's. They were nominated for best new artist. They are pretty deep, all in all. In their songwriting, they use tons of literary references. Good stuff... 
I recommend---
"Little Lion Man"
"Roll Away Your Stone"
"Awake My Soul"

#2: Brooke Fraser
I guess I'm into folk rock people these days. She's not as folk rockish as Mumford & Sons though. And don't judge me for saying "folk rockish." You know you secretly love it. Anywho, she is a blend of folk rock and pop and she is a Christian artist, but she has strived to stay distant from the Contemporary Christian Music scene though, which I can respect that. Her sound is just unique and so wonderful. All her albums are just splendid. I've been listening to them literally all day. No, but really. By the way, did I mention she is from New Zealand? Awesome. Go, go, go...look her up.
I recommend---
"C.S. Lewis Song"
"Something in the Water"

#3: The Civil Wars
Yep, another folk band. They are more on the country folk side, rather than folk rock. They are very indie folkish. Alternative country...I'm a fan. Just so you know. It's the good type of country type music. So, in case you didn't know, they are a duo consisted of a guy and a chick. They harmonize super good, which automatically makes me love love love them. I don't even know how to describe how amazing they are. Just go listen to them now, alright?
I recommend---
"Barton Hollow"
"20 Years"
"Poison and Wine"

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