Monday, February 22, 2010

Peace Be Still

Wow. All I can say. It's amazing how you can have such an amazing weekend and then it all comes crashing down the next day. It stinks big time. I hate to be such a negative Nancy, but today was not a good one for me.

It's funny when you have bad days. I feel like God speaks to me more on my bad days than on the good ones. The past few weeks, I have been constantly listening to worship music, when I walk to class. It really prepares me for class and it puts me in a good mood. I enjoy it. Today, I did my usual Monday stuff. Theory (boring), trombone lesson (which initiated my bad day), history (alright I guess), seminar (meh), and brass choir was last. By the end of brass choir, I was beyond ready to get outta Laidlaw and just go to my room and basically have a pity party. I don't feel good and all the complications throughout the day, made it worse. What's worse than that is that the worship music in between classes, didn't really make me feel much better. That is until my iPod played, "Peace Be Still", by Rush of Fools. I'm certain that God turned my iPod to this song, to basically wake me up. Here are the lyrics:

Come to Me, you who are weak
Let My strength be yours tonight
Come and rest, let My love be your bed
Let My heart be yours tonight

Peace be still, Peace be still
Please be still and know that I am God
and know that I am God

Come empty cup, let Me fill you up
I'll descend on you like a dove tonight
Lift your head, let your eyes fall into Mine
Let your fear subside tonight

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
First off, the last couple of days, everything that I have observed and thought about always led back to Psalm 46:10. "Be still and know that I AM GOD." Hello, this is clearly what this song is based around. I can honestly say, I listened to this song about 25 times today. It made my bad day, seem less horrible. Just listening to those words, comforted me in knowing that God will never leave my side and that He is always there for me.

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