I bought the MOST INCREDIBLE earphones yesterday on eBay. Let's hope they aren't fake. Monster Heartbeats, designed by Lady Gaga. They are seriously the coolest earphones I will ever be in contact with! I decided to share a photo. :) I can't wait until I receive them in the mail. Seriously! Nabbed these at almost $40, when they are regularly $120. Now that's a deal. Gracias eBay, gracias.
Nothing is really better than having some good quality time with old friends! The girls, minus Jenny, had a pizza/movie night at Kerri's house tonight. It was nice and chill; I really enjoyed it. Got to see cute little baby Brayden too! It's crazy how time flies. Last time I saw that kid, was a couple of weeks after he was born, in December. Tonight was the first time I've seen him, since December and he is growing up fast. Absolutely crazy! Loved spending time with my friends.
My Mobile trip plans keep on changing!! First, I was planning on going this next weekend, the 11th-13th. I changed that, for the next weekend, because I wanted to see Toy Story with all of my buds! But, now I'm changing it again. haha. Maria asked me to go to Linden with her the 11th-13th, and I'm seriously considering heading down to Mobile this next weekend and going with her. I need a weekend with my bestie! I really doubt my mom would let me go to Mobile two weekends in a row too. :( I most likely will just go with Maria and maybe I can see some people before we head to Linden! This of course must pass through work and the Jill...
WIRED training t-minus two weeks. Actual WIRED t-minus three. YESSSIR.
I'm about to watch either the Lovely Bones and/or the Time Traveler's Wife. Both are awesome! Saw them both in theaters. How could I forget the movie experiences that went with them either...
-Time Traveler's Wife: saw it with Jess and all the UM folks, I'm fairly certain that all of us were crying like babies! I know I was...why did he have to die?? Boo.
-Lovely Bones: Must I say more? Just saying "The Lovely Bones" frightens or makes my group of friends mad. hahaha. They all hated it besides me! And were scared for days. Erika couldn't even sleep in her dorm that night, had to stay with Mo. lol. CRACKS ME UP. It wasn't scary! Mr. Harvey was a legittttt creeper though. Forreals.
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