The things I've learned from this semester so far: (two days in, but feels like two weeks already)
1. Having a day with no classes isn't necessarily always a good thing, but it can be...if that made sense.
2. Spanish 1 is probably not going to be that bad. Maybe that HHS Espanol wasn't a waste of time after all.
3. It's going to take me a while to get used to having roommates that I actually care about. It's a good type of weird. Really just strange to talk to roommates. Me & Electa=negative.
4. Words can't describe how excited I am about what God is going to do at BCM this year. FiSH groups are right around the corner. I can't wait to teach a group of wonderful girls, with one of my favorite people in the whole world.
5. I might actually enjoy Geology. Earthquakes, volcanoes, & tectonic plates, oh my.
It's definitely not normal that I'm this sleepy/tired after doing nothing all day besides marching band. But, I am. Nighty night.
"Writing about Jesus is like matrimony; not to be entered unprepared or lightly, but reverently, discreetly, advisedly, soberly, and IN AWE OF GOD." -Leonard Sweet
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
one more once
My apologies for not blogging alot lately. Band camp is KILLA!! It's way more hardcore this year, in my opinion. Or maybe it's just been forever and a day since I've done marching band stuff, which is probably true. My body is aching all over, but I'm finally getting used to everything. Only three and a half days left of camp! I couldn't be more ready for Saturday night. For realssssss. I'm pretty much ready to just have a social life again. All my friends are coming back into Mobile and I can't see them because of camp! Boo. I can't wait to see Erika Conn's face on Friday!!!!!!! EXCITEMENT! Didn't see her all summer. Lame. Anywho, I love my new apartment. My neighbors are loud, but it doesn't bother me. baha. It's creepy being in this big apartment by myself right now. lol. Thank goodness Maria came and stayed with me last night. Woo! And then a motherly visit from Morgan, to help us use the oven. haha! I'm ready for Monday, to get on a schedule. And mostly ready for the Train/Needtobreathe concert! ahhhh yay for sketchyness... ;)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Well, my whole body hurts. My head is literally throbbing. And my absolutely ridiculous knee brace tan line is appearing again. All these signs and more point to band camp 2010! After day one, all I can say is boo on the next nine days and that I should have done more active stuff this summer fo reals. I AM POOPED! I also forgot to mention that the heat out on that field today was seriously like the sun and a volcano had a kid, if that makes sense, it was reallllllllyyyyy hot. Haha, I'm sure that statement didn't make sense. We are trying to dodge that tropical depression 5, too bad it didn't have a cool name. lol, I hope it FLOODS tomorrow because I need some coolness! Two things that are making me happy right now though: a Route 44 Sprite from Sonic, ahh always makes me feel better, and after raiding Maria's dvds at her house a minute ago, I am watching the Pilot of LOST! It's been pretty fun living with Maria so far...haha. Me and her mom had a nice bonding conversation last night about life and my career. lol. I'm super ready to move into my apartment though. Sunday! That is if my body makes it...
Monday, August 9, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
that's so fetch
I clearly should be asleep right now. It's 2am. That's what I get for taking a nap at 7 tonight. Stupid me! And the nap was during Mean Girls...what was I thinking? Really, have I lost my mind? Mean Girls is only one of the best movies ever, well, in my eyes. It cracks me up every time. Such a quote worthy movie for sure. Tonight has just been a weird night and I really can't describe it. This whole day really. I've been packing literally all day and I'm still not done. I still have two days. Tonight though, I was just feeling homesick, for Mobile, I guess. I just missed my friends back there really really bad. It just got to me tonight. And it's dumb, because I'll see a lot of them next week, but I don't know, tonight I was just sad about not seeing them. The one thing about summer that I haven't enjoyed is not seeing them regularly like I did during school. And it's not that I haven't hung out with zero of my friends here at all, because I have, a lot, but there is nothing like the friends I have made in Mobile and I know I have said this a billion times, but they are amazing. Erika, Maria, Mo, KJ, Shannon, BJ, Sam, Brandy, Melissa, Erin, and bunches more... ahhh I need them in my life right now!!! I'm just ready to see their faces again, more than you know. And this blog probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but I just miss them so bad right now. I've heard a lot that the friends stay in your life the longest are the ones you make in college and I totally see that now, not saying that your high school friends won't, but you get what I'm saying. Truth is, I rarely ever talk to the people that I graduated with ever. I probably keep in touch with about 4 or 5 out the 70 something people that graduated. It's crazy how much we've all changed already, over the course of one year out of high school. I can see where I have changed for sure and I can surely see how a lot of people in my class have indeed. It's just crazy really to think about. Dang, I always go off on something when I write early in the morning...
Saturday, August 7, 2010
hey! that smarts!
T-minus 3 days til I return to Mobile.
If words could describe how ready I am to be back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can probably tell from all of my exclamation points. :) As August 10th gets closer, the excitement builds. I am NOT excited for band camp or classes. Know what I am excited for? To see my all my friends, especially my besties again! And for BCM stuff to start back up!! I just talked to Maria on the phone about the plans for me staying with her for the first 4 days of band camp. More excitement! Then, moving into the Grove on the 15th. I'm mostly stoked about decorating...all I care about. hahaha.********interuption, I'm pretty sure that Satan just possessed my iPod for 2.5 seconds. I'm listening to 60s, 70s, & 80s radio on Pandora and guess what just came on, on that station? Lady Gaga. Now, that just doesn't make sense. Get back Gaga!*********Anywho, lol, I have too much sugar in my system right now, so I def shouldn't be blogging, but I don't care! Shanny moves in the 19th, Erika the 20th, so I'm gonna be all by myself for 4 days! Boo. Band camp's gonna be killer. It'll probably be 110% humidity and 789 degrees out. High stepping is gonna be the death of me. The end. Well, I'll stop this nonsense of a blog, before it gets too outta hand...
P.S: I've recently started School House Rock again. MAKES MY LIFE!!!
If words could describe how ready I am to be back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can probably tell from all of my exclamation points. :) As August 10th gets closer, the excitement builds. I am NOT excited for band camp or classes. Know what I am excited for? To see my all my friends, especially my besties again! And for BCM stuff to start back up!! I just talked to Maria on the phone about the plans for me staying with her for the first 4 days of band camp. More excitement! Then, moving into the Grove on the 15th. I'm mostly stoked about decorating...all I care about. hahaha.********interuption, I'm pretty sure that Satan just possessed my iPod for 2.5 seconds. I'm listening to 60s, 70s, & 80s radio on Pandora and guess what just came on, on that station? Lady Gaga. Now, that just doesn't make sense. Get back Gaga!*********Anywho, lol, I have too much sugar in my system right now, so I def shouldn't be blogging, but I don't care! Shanny moves in the 19th, Erika the 20th, so I'm gonna be all by myself for 4 days! Boo. Band camp's gonna be killer. It'll probably be 110% humidity and 789 degrees out. High stepping is gonna be the death of me. The end. Well, I'll stop this nonsense of a blog, before it gets too outta hand...
P.S: I've recently started School House Rock again. MAKES MY LIFE!!!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
My dream dinner party would include this five people:

-Meryl Streep
Ah, if words could express how much I love Meryl. She’s one thing. AMAZING. I only have a few all-time favorite actresses, because I really don’t become attached to a lot of them, but I can gladly say that Meryl takes the top spot! She basically has talent just oozing out of her, seriously. She’s one of the best actresses of her generation and the present. Think about it. She has been in many, many great films, and also, she is an awesome singer. She’s done theatre and television too. I just love her sooo sooo much! And I can’t even begin to list her four billion nominations and awards. There hasn't been a single thing that she's done that I haven't liked, and I just found out that there is a possibility that she is going to be in a movie acting alongside Tina Fey. This excites me more than you know!!!
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.”
-Jimi Hendrix
The Man. Need I say more? I will though! On a list of the 100 greatest guitar players of all-time, Jimi took the top spot. He is considered the greatest guitar player, but also he is also known for being one of the better singer/songwriters ever. Inducted into the Rock ‘N Roll Hall of Fame, headlined Woodstock and Isle of Wight, and changed the way the guitar was played. He revolutionized the technique of guitar feedback and helped develop the effects that many, many artists use today. That’s pretty amazing to me. Just sayin. Yes, yes, yes, he was clearly a druggie, and his cause of death was due to something related to drugs, but he changed the face of rock. Many times I wonder, if he wouldn’t have died so early in his career…what more could he have accomplished? What if…
-Melissa Peterman
Really though, I have never wanted to just trade lives with someone more than I have wanted to be Melissa Peterman. And that statement didn’t make sense after I reread it. Haha. You get what I mean…or I certainly hope so. All I’m saying is that me and her are going to be best friends one day. She cracks me up 24/7 and she has become one of heroes. Barbara Jean on Reba? Hilarious. Singing Bee host? Hilarious. Stand-up comedian? Freaking hilarious. Everything she does? Makes my life complete. Period. Love her. I would literally faint if I actually had dinner with her. Oh it’s gonna happen. We do follow each other on twitter. Hello, that basically good friends right there. Yessir.
“I am pretty fearless, and you know why? Because I don't handle fear very well; I'm not a good terrified person.”
-Stevie Nicks
Oh, Stevie, you are hardcore girl. Honestly, who doesn’t love her and who doesn’t jam out to every single Fleetwood Mac song? Fleetwood Mac makes my life! This chick has had over forty Top 50 hits and has sold 120 million albums, whether that was with Fleetwood Mac or her solo career. Rolling Stone has named her the Queen of Rock ‘N Roll. I agree! She’s awesome in the form of a person. I wish I had pipes like her, well like a lot of people, but especially her.

“Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one.”
-John Lennon
I could have easily occupied four of these spots with all of the Beatles, but I figured I needed some variety. Then, I had to figure out which single Beatle I would want to really sit down and have a serious conversation with. Don’t get me wrong, I love Paul, Ringo, and George, but John was really the Beatle. The one who stood out the most, whether it be with his songwriting or the many, many, many controversial situations he found himself in. And while I don’t agree with a lot of things that John did, believed in, or said, I would definitely want to exchange a few words with him.
I watched “Imagine” (a documentary of John, that Yoko Ono made years after his death) and it is one of the best films I have seen. I can gladly say, my fascination with John isn’t just because he was a Beatle or that he was all about peace. It is the person that he was that fascinates me. Unlike most peace protesters during the Vietnam War, John, along with Yoko, demonstrated their beliefs of the war in non-violent ways. A prime example of this was the Bed-Ins For Peace they did. This whole thing was cool to me. Why? Of course John Lennon would have got any kind of publicity for anything he did, and since this was following his and Yoko’s marriage that publicity doubled. He used this to spread the message of world peace. It’s the way he did things, his passion for music itself, and the person that he truly was that made me choose him for this list.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
i feel the earth move
Ah....let the packing begin. I'm real excited to get back to Mobile, but must I pack? BOOOOOOO! This will be the story of my life all this next week. Yay! Hope you catch my sarcasm. Anywho, I got my music blog up and running. Just complete my first post, on Live at the Troubadour-the James Taylor and Carole King live album, which is darn good! Next post, gonna be something totally different.
Here's the link:
You best be following me! I might become famous off of this...bahaha. Oh and I'm currently writing a new blog that'll be good: five people I'd like to have dinner with (dead or alive) chyeah!
P.S: Kristen Jordan is the best for recommending the name for my music blog!!!
Here's the link:
You best be following me! I might become famous off of this...bahaha. Oh and I'm currently writing a new blog that'll be good: five people I'd like to have dinner with (dead or alive) chyeah!
P.S: Kristen Jordan is the best for recommending the name for my music blog!!!
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