Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Well, my whole body hurts. My head is literally throbbing. And my absolutely ridiculous knee brace tan line is appearing again. All these signs and more point to band camp 2010! After day one, all I can say is boo on the next nine days and that I should have done more active stuff this summer fo reals. I AM POOPED! I also forgot to mention that the heat out on that field today was seriously like the sun and a volcano had a kid, if that makes sense, it was reallllllllyyyyy hot. Haha, I'm sure that statement didn't make sense. We are trying to dodge that tropical depression 5, too bad it didn't have a cool name. lol, I hope it FLOODS tomorrow because I need some coolness! Two things that are making me happy right now though: a Route 44 Sprite from Sonic, ahh always makes me feel better, and after raiding Maria's dvds at her house a minute ago, I am watching the Pilot of LOST! It's been pretty fun living with Maria so far...haha. Me and her mom had a nice bonding conversation last night about life and my career. lol. I'm super ready to move into my apartment though. Sunday! That is if my body makes it...

1 comment:

  1. Can I say I love that I am in one of your top pictures!! And I LOVE YOU!!! Hope band camp isn't to harsh to you this week!!! Peace!!
