I still haven't fully grasped that my first year of college is over and done with. I mean come on. Could a year go by any faster? I feel like I just walked across that civic center stage yesterday. It's a weird feeling. This year went by fast, but I wouldn't exchange a single second of it for anything. Every time I laughed with my friends, countless hours spent in the library cramming for an exam, eating a dreadful meal at the Market, or a spontaneous trip to the beach. You'd have to beat me to a pulp for me to try and forget all of the memories I have made this year.

There isn't a doubt in my mind that I was suppose to come to South Alabama. I can't picture myself anywhere else in the world. It's amazing how God works in your life, by putting you in places that you'd never imagine yourself being and ending up being unbelievably happy there. It's funny actually. I barely knew anything about USA and would have never thought of applying there at the start of my senior year. Little did I know that God had a plan for me and I was completely unaware of it. I was pretty dead set on going to the University of Mobile and playing in RamCorps. That was my plan. Key words: MY PLAN. My mom wasn't too excited about my plan. She of course looked at the financial part of everything, which I don't blame her. UM is definitely not cheap. For some reason I just felt attached to the city of Mobile, weird huh? I looked at other colleges in Mobile and of course stumbled upon USA. I applied. I had always thought about going to UAB too, so of course I applied there. I even tried out for their music department and received a scholarship. I only applied to UM, USA, and UAB. No other schools. By January of my senior year, I had narrowed it down to UAB or USA. I had been to UAB's campus several, several times, but never to USA's. At the end of January, me and Mom took a trip down to Mobile for USA day and for me to try out for a band scholarship the same day. After USA day, I immediately knew where I was going to be the next four years of my life. Now that I look back, it's so clear why I was suppose to be at South. It's kinda funny actually. :)
I cannot possibly explain every single thing I've done this year, because I can't even remember it all. There are three main things that made my year absolutely fantastic: music. BCM. friends.

"Life is one grand song, sweet song, so start the music." -Ronald Reagan
I can definitely say that before I started college my musicality was not as great as it is now. The folks in South's music department have helped me grow in my musicianship so much. Besides the academic gain of music, I have also learned many other things this year through music. Until this year, I haven't had alot of confidence in myself and in my playing. Since being at USA, my confidence has improved greatly. My professors and especially Dr. G has taught me that I'm not a perfect trombone player, but I'm also not the worst in the world. I am a better player than I make myself out to be. So yay for South's music faculty. I love them! I'm pretty much addicted to playing the mandolin, thanks to Santa bringing me one for Christmas! I've also learned alot on that as well. My YouTube channel is moving on up; one of my life goals-be a YouTube celeb. lol
"Where ever you go, that's where you'll be." -Shannon Hughes
I sure hope I got that quote right. I think I did! haha. Just one of many EPIC things Sister Hughes has said this year. Her and Jerrod have been oober important to me the past year, along with everyone at the BCM. I really have no clue what I would do if I weren't involved with the BCM. It is such a big part of my life now, that I wouldn't know what to do without it now. FiSH groups, Merge, mission opportunities, Rooted, Bridge Week, leadership team, and billions of other things that went on this year that I can't remember. They were all AMAZING. period. I was given the opportunity to be a part of the leadership team in January for the next year and it has definitely been one of the best decisions I have ever made. I am extremely thankful that God placed me in this ministry and I am certainly excited to see what the rest of my years at BCM have to offer!
"I get by with a little help from my friends..." -The Beatles
How do I even begin on how awesome my friends have been this year? Ironically, I am sitting here watching the Golden Girls and every time I watch it I think of all of the wonderful friends I have made. I can't help but imagine if me and three of my best friends become just like the Golden Girls when we are older. I would absolutely love that. The people that have came into my life the past year are amazing in more ways than one. There have been five people in particular that have made my year marvelous! I am extremely thankful for their friendship. Erika Conn, Maria Brutkiewicz, Morgan Blankenship, Shannon Stever, and Kristen Jordan are basically the human forms of awesome. They are my favs! I can't even name all of the cool people I've met at BCM and through the band, but I love them all so dearly as well!

football games. scavenger hunt. beach. market dates. rockband. mardi gras. fish group. dominoes. kool-aid. pier. peanut fest. halloween. melting pot. merge. lunch tradish. taylorisms. honk if you love cnn. vintage. party in the usa. lady gaga. snl. foosackly's. christmas. smoothies. the tater. skype. pebbles. taynation. diet coke and mentos. the lovely bones. across the universe. just dance. bracelets. 15 place. madea. fighting gnomes. "electricity". leadership team. meet me in headland. starbucks. momma g's. lost. alice in wonderland. mandolin. wednesday lunches.
krispy kreme. krispy kreme. krispy kreme.
& lots of other stuff i couldn't remember...
=best year ever.
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