Thursday, May 27, 2010

monster monster

Just realized I can cross out two things out of my summer goals!
1. work at the Headland Voice.
-This week is my second week working there and I love it!
2. finish all seasons of LOST.
-I did it! And can I just say that the final episode ever was...EPIC.
eighteen things to go. seventy four days to finish them. it's a done deal.

I hung out with two of my friends tonight. It was fun, but I have to be honest in saying that I was somewhat uncomfortable at times throughout the whole night. Their views on things are completely different than mine. Things they say, their actions, it's just not me. I'm not saying they are horrible people. I love them dearly, but tonight just made me realize that the people that I have surrounded myself with at college are very different from the people I surround myself with here at home. It's weird to think about. I don't know, this is just a revelation I've had recently.
Another thing: I've known all of my friends here at home for years, several years. I've known my Mobile friends for almost a year. Yet, I feel closer to my Mobile friends now than the ones here. Maybe it's because I've been away for so long from my friends here at home. Maybe it's because I spent a whole bunch of time with my new friends everyday. Who knows. All I know is that I miss all of my Mobile friends terribly. That is all...

I can't say that I've never talked about someone in my life, because I have. Everyone has whether they admit it or not. It's something I've always struggled with and I constantly pray about it. The past year, I've been really good about it. I'm really happy about that too. It bothers me severely when people continue to talk about someone for no reason. I found myself in a situation tonight in which the people who I was with, were talking about one of my close friends and it hurt me. It really hurt me, to see them put down this person that they think they know, but they really don't. It bothers more than anyone could know. And what do I do when they continually talk about one of my friends? Nothing. I do nothing. Something is definitely wrong with that.

Well, this was clearly a whiney, ranting, blah blah blah blog.
Haven't had one of those in while.

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