Wednesday, May 12, 2010

twenty is a magic number

20 things to accomplish this summer:

1. Read 4 books. --Look, I don’t read, so reading one book is quite an accomplishment. I’m going to read four whole books in three months! It’s gotta happen.

2. Record 15-20 new mandolin videos. --My YouTube is getting quite popular (or it is to me anyways). Almost a thousand views! That excites me…

3. Work at the Headland Voice. --So, I need experience. What could be a better place to start than my own hometown newspaper? I need to figure out if I really want to write for a paper in the future for my career anywho.

4. Finish all of the seasons of LOST in time to see the last episode ever. --Alright, so I started watching it Christmas break: EPIC FAIL. I must finish it!

5. Register to vote. --It’s my patriotic duty. ‘Nuff said. Trammy would be proud.

6. Reach the gold level on Beatles Rock Band. --I’m a Rock Band nerd, so what. I’m silver currently, gotta get dat gold!

7. Write new songs. --Last summer, I wrote quite a few songs, just because I felt like it and they were pretty good! I must do this same this summer.

8. Master the art of dowsing. --I heard about this in tenth grade history and I’ve wanted to try it ever since. You go to a graveyard and take two wire hangers; supposedly the hangers are supposed to move when you get over a grave. CREEPY!

9. Learn “Love Me Do”, by the Beatles on harmonica. --Go listen to that song and tell me that won’t be awesome. For reals.

10. Find some arrowheads in Mama Sue’s flint bed. --Hello, digging up some history!

11. Play a whole game of golf. --I love golf and I haven’t played a whole game since…forever. It’s going down.

12. Take a whole day to watch 80s movies. --What’s better than a chill day watching 80s movies all day? Not a lot. I’m gonna watch everything from The Breakfast Club to Revenge of the Nerds.

13. Learn a new instrument. --It’s about that time where I need to learn something new. Mandolin was the last one and look where that’s got me!

14. Go to Monroe, Louisiana. --How can I go three months without seeing my bestie? I can’t. Besides, I’ve never been there!

15. Start saving money for Guatemala. --I will be going. The end.

16. Be a ministry tract leader/chaperone for WIRED 2010. --Exciting I know! I wanted to get involved with the youth ministry at my church, so this is part of it. Woo!

17. Go see Toy Story 3. --AHHHHHH! I love Toy Story!

18. Fly a kite. --Haven't done this in a while!

19. Get a pet fish. --I had a fish back in the day for like 5 years. I need a new best friend in fish form!

20. Hopefully get a new car. --My dad has been talking about me getting one, so that’s something to look forward to maybe!!

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