Anyways, back to the articles I have to write this week. Three total! I have one done so far. The other two will be done as soon as I call two people. The first one is super interesting and it's personal. It's involving Tumbleton. WHAT! haha. I went and talked with Larry Smith, the king of history in Henry County, about reclaimed cemeteries. That's what the article is about, these cemeteries in Tumbleton. Hands down, Mr. Smith is one of the coolest and sweetest guys I've ever met! He is one of my new heroes. He makes me want to change my major to history and be just like We talked for over an hour about abandoned cemeteries and what not and of course got off subject to talk about other things historically important in Tumbleton. It was extra interesting for sure! Who knew that there were 190 cemeteries in Henry County...crazy. I even asked him about the dowsing that I wanted to try out. It works! I'm definitely gonna try it out on some of Mama Sue's land sometimes this week. I am certain that there are some Indian burial grounds around her house. I've heard it through the grapevine! Excitement. Definitely not at night though...creepy.
The next issue of the paper, next Wednesday is going to be focused on education issues, sorta like a back to school issue. I'm writing about the basketball coach change and the new ram statue going where the anchor was! Therefore, I'll have to have a nice little chat with Mr. joy.
T-minus 3 weeks and one day until I move back to could not come any sooner.
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